Thursday, January 13, 2011

For Lydie

Right, so Lydie Greco asked for Two characters from MTV's Downtown playing Mario Kart, Maggie and Hopey in any situation or me being scratched by a ghost in a Cemetery... so I did this... SUPER JACK KART RACING 64!! Played by Jen and Alex (who else?) with Maggie and Hopey as special hidden Characters, in the special Edinburgh Scotland cemetery track! (This literally took for fucking ever. I had to travel into the future sometime just to download the finished version to post here.)

1 comment:

  1. oh my god !!! you did all three !!! oh my god !! it looks awesome !! I love it so much ! I'm gonna be smiling for the rest of the day now !
    the idea is great. the ghost idea is brilliant. maggie and hopey are awesome. the castle !!! the cemetary !! aaaah !! (god i wanna go back) alex and jen are perfect (thanks for making jen winning :)). and you look hot.
    it's more than i could ever imagine. thank you !!


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